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Leadership Development

A Self Transformation Leadership Program.

Change begins with yourself

Over the years I’ve had the privilege of engaging in frequent conversations with leaders, managers, employees in a variety of organizations. I’ve noticed that most people invariably fall into two schools of thought: The first group is looking for a leadership talk to use in an event: a weekend retreat, a workshop, for leadership development month, or simply to give useful information to a manager. The second group sees leadership development as a key strategic business priority. These folks want to explore how the leadership training and potentially an assessment that can be integrated into a distinct leadership development process that would include debriefing by a coach, action/goal planning, and coaching follow-through for a term of three to twelve months. Of these two approaches, I have seen significantly greater results with those organizations that approach leadership development as a process. While leadership events are common, real change occurs when leadership development initiatives are embedded into a sustainable process.

So, comprehending from this we in Renaissance Group have built a Leadership Transformation Framework for not only leaders but for anyone who plans in pursuing leadership

The framework is built around 4 imperatives encompassing a leader’s journey in business and life

The first imperative focuses on self-development which is Leading Self

This process starts to analyse your formative experiences to find critical lessons. Learning from these also helps for us to understand how the most difficult times in your life can shape your passion to lead

The next step is an option esp for executives where a self-assessment is conducted. The Assessment provides the following feedback:

  • Becoming more self-aware by benefiting from honest feedback
  • Clarifying and living your values, while establishing ethical boundaries
  • Understanding your motivations and capabilities, and finding the point where they align
  • Building your support team and finding leadership mentors
  • Integrating the different “buckets” of your life: family, community and friends, and career

And finally, the process builds on developing your leadership journey. In the process of developing it you will experience some key foundational questions to address. The final output will consist of the “Big Rocks”, areas of behavioural changes , performance goals and prioritizing to achieve them. The whole process requires you to be fully engaged and working with your coach, mentors and peers.

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