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Leadership Behaviour & Skills of Great Leaders

Strong leadership is essential for the success of any organization. Gallup says 70% of employee engagement is due to this “Manager Effect.” Other studies show that 50-70% of employees’ perception of their workplace climate is due to behaviours and actions of their leaders.
From employee engagement to workplace climate, many variables hinge upon the manager. Thus, it’s critical to be a strong leader. Okay, then what are the qualities and characteristics of great leaders, you ask?

Leadership Behaviour & Skills of Great Leaders

Every effective leader has a captivating vision that attracts others. This vision is often creative and it is aimed to drive the organization forward.
A strong leader is never satisfactory with the status quo. He or she is always pressing forward and encouraging employees to do the same.

They teach

Apple CEO Tim Cook credits the company’s success in no small part to Steve Jobs’s role as a teacher. The way Apple’s unique culture continues to flourish and scale, even as the company grows to enormous size and valuation, is a testament to the way Jobs taught his team what matters most, so they could teach their teams, and so on.

Excellent Communication Skills are Necessary

An effective leader must have strong communication skills. This includes both verbal and nonverbal communication.

Research shows that communication is mostly nonverbal. Only 7% of a message are conveyed in spoken words, 38% in vocal elements and 55% in nonverbal ways (such as gestures, posture, facial expressions, etc.). A great leader must be proficient in all forms of communication.

Having excellent communication skills also means listening well and read between the lines. An effective leader understands team members and can read cues. Good leaders also speak clearly and logically.

Written By

TM Nagarajan/Managing partner

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